Monday, May 17, 2010

Manual Deskterity: An Exploration of Simultaneous Pen + Touch Direct Input

I kind of like the use of pen and fingers on the same device. By using them both at the same time you can get a simple mode switch similar to right clicking on your mouse. But writing on a thick glass surface where the display is a few millimeters under the surface is not like writing on paper. Its more imprecise, like drawing with a really thick crayon. The distance makes it hard to predict exactly where you get ink when you set down your pen. I think you can see the effect of this on the graceless handwriting in the demo.

When there is a layer of glass between the pen and the pixels, you get a mismatch that depends on your viewing angle. I tried the Wacom Cintiq and it has this problem. If only you could have a camera on the device, that could track your face and calibrate based on the angle, then you could solve this problem. Or, just have an incredibly thin glass.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it's can be fixed if there will be snapping to edges. It's kinda easy to realize and will help to "trace" objects on top.

As for just clicking - in most cases controls are quite big to just click them anywhere :)